Paul's Art-Q Quiz- pg 1
Question 1-
Which famous artist was so impressed when he saw this painting by Tiziano Vecellio that he did a self portrait in the same pose?
click here for enlargement of the image
Question 2-
How many media did Picasso utilise? (Or at least, how many can you think of? Please let me know by e-mail any I haven't included...)
Click on the pictures below for answers with examples in images:
Question 3-
How many self-portraits did Rembrandt paint?
(Rollover for thumbnail, click for enlargement)
Question 4-
Name 8 famous painters who died before reaching 40:
Rollover for image, hover for
caption, click for enlargement-
Question 5-
Who painted this picture? Which event does it illustrate?
click for enlargement & answer
Question 6-
![]() |
standard well-proportioned body is 7.5 to 8 heads tall, to how many did
some of the Mannerists stretch the proprtions?
Question 7-
Question 8-
Can you find Michelangelo's self portrait in the Last Judgement of the Sistine chapel?
Question 9-
If number 8 was easy, how about finding the portrait of the Cardinal who complained that Michelangelo's nude figures were more apropriate to a brothel than Christendom's most important church?
Question 10-
You might disagree with me here but I was never very impressed by the ancient Egyptian pyramids, though wonderful, they fall short of miraculous. Given 50 years & tens of thousands of men for labour, I think anyone can cut & place one rock on top of another. What does seem a miracle of ingenuity & skill to me is their jewellery. I might never have noticed if I weren't a silversmith myself but if you stop to think about it, they had no torches, nor even naturally occuring flammable liquids (the first was naptha discovered in the 4th century). No knowledge or manner of measuring melting points, no solder or welding equipment... how did they manage such intricate & flawless pieces? How did they fix one piece of gold to the other without melting the join of the piece next to it?
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